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Monday, January 31, 2011

Jan 31

Ok. So the big storm has hit. I didn't get up this morning and run like I should have and there was too much water and ice on the road when I got home to try to run. To make matters worse, I ate too much for supper - and if you've ever done that - well, at least me it sucks the desire to run right out of me. I did however do SOMETHING today - which is what I promised I would do. In a recent issue of Runner's World they had posted a page on "Power Poses" as in Yoga. 6 moves. Supposed to take about 10 minutes. Jill and I did them together. She wants to do more "yogurt". I told her we'd try the P90X Yoga in the a.m. It's 90 minutes and a butt kicker. But to anyone reading this - do you do Yoga? Do you do it every day? Is it bad to do it daily, or at least some moves? I would like better poise and balance.

Oh - the moves were Chair, twisting chair, twisting lunge and then Warrior III, Arrow Lunge, Extended Leg Balance.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Group runs rock!

Had a good time today. This was the first time I ran with anyone since....I think the Sullivan Stuff and Puff. My goal was to run the entire distance, but I was running at a faster clip than normal so I ended up walking during Mile 3. I did enjoy chatting with Michelle Simpson while I ran. We met up at Common Grounds afterwards and had a meeting for our new club. We've decided the name is Hoofgang. Not realy wild about that, but I was one of few detractors. We'll be doing another run next Saturday. I'll post the map route soon.

I have attached some before during and after pictures. I tried to make them post at the end - but I'm still learning how to do this blogging thing.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Where has the time gone?

I have just noticed it has been a month since I have posted anything here. I have been running, albeit, not very much. There has of course been some bad weather and I've been a bit jammed up at work. I will certainly get more miles in during the coming weeks as official half training begins on 2/21. Tomorrow is the inaugural group run for our new running club. I hope it isn't quite so cold and nasty as I would like for a nice crowd to be present. If you are reading this and want to join, we will meet in front of WMCI before 9:00 and then run a 5K (about). We are going to meet up at Common Grounds for a social afterwards. I'm looking forward to the run and to the development of the club. I have some grand plans. Let's hope it works out for the best.

Oh, we do need a name for our club....suggestions?