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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Training has restarted

I've decided I've been on the shelf long enough.  On Tuesday I went for a run - the first in nearly a month.  I was pretty happy to be able to go.  I didn't go as far as I'd like, but I did go faster than expected.  Well, at least for awhile anyway.  I am going to follow some advice I received from a professional and start running again, just not every day.  I've taken some pictures, but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to get them to post here.

 Me and the starting line!

My ankle on Dec 14th.
My ankle on Dec. 16th
On Thursday I did get out for another run.  On that one, while I did go for a longer distance, I certainly went slower.  My ankle did bother me a bit on Friday but seems better today.

As I work on this blog, I also thought I would try to make it a little fancier.  If you don't like my experiment with text color, please tell me.  I wanted something besides regular old black and white.

This morning I got up, and was hoping to go for a run.  I checked the weather and saw a 6 degree windchill. I'm tough and all, but that is too cold for  little old me.  I've put off the run until the afternoon, or at least that was my thought.  I haven't made it out the door yet and it's already 10 past one.  My son and I did get hair cuts this morning, then a quick stop at the grocery store brought us to home and we made a pizza from scratch.  I learned a few things in the process and it was quite good.  I guess I have carb loaded ahead of time.  To be completely frank, I went out to check the mail while making the pizza and my ankle had some pain, so, I'm a bit up in the air as to what to do.  I want and need to go for a long run, but I don't want to hurt myself.  

Tonight I am going to the "Men Who Cook" fundraiser.  My brother and I have teamed up to make "Hot Fudge Ice Cream Dessert".  The proceeds support the Children's Advocacy Center, a very worthy cause.  Last year I got second for my cheesecake.  I hope to do better this year.  Only time will tell.  It's about 5 hours until the start.

Not to much else to talk about today.  I have some pretty exciting things on the horizon, but right now it's just too soon.  What excitement is coming your way this weekend?

Monday, February 4, 2013

Injury Report, et al.

Greetings and salutations!

Ok, here's the deal.  I've been shelved for a bit.  Readers of this blog (and those that know me closely) know that I sprained my ankle on December 13th.  Well, I've always been a bit stubborn when it comes to that sort of thing and didn't go to the doctor and didn't give it the rest it needed.  I continued to play basketball, occasionally run, do the elliptical and XBox Kinect.  When the swelling had not gone down to my satisfaction after 6 weeks, I went to the doctor who has now told me no running until I am 2 weeks post no swelling.  Now I really don't have much, but I figure I best lay off for at least this week.  I had been having trouble going down stairs, and I don't need this problem to get worse.  The part that upsets me the most is that the Illinois half is less than 90 days away and I don't even have a real base built up at this time.  I'm actually sitting here right now with some fairly debilitating back pain.  If I sit too long, I have real trouble walking, so I've been trying to get up and be mobile every 5-10 minutes.  I think I am going to go track down some Ibuprofen.  My self-written training program called for P90X chest and back today and a four mile fartlek tomorrow.  I know the run isn't happening, and I'm not so sure about the P90X.  Kids broke the handles on my resistance bands.  >:(  I'll see what the evening brings.  I think I should lay off the XBox as it seems to make my ankle tight.  It's too cold (for me) to bike, so my options are dwindling.

In other news, I have lost 2.5 pounds during January.  This is far behind my goal, but at least it is something.  I also seem to have lost an inch off of my waist.  I gave blood on Saturday and they measured my resting HR at 52.  I was surprised at that number as I had drank 4 cups of coffee and did a low impact workout (elliptical) that morning.  I think in the interim, before I can hit the pavement again, I really need to work on portion control.  I struggle with that as let's face it, I like to eat.

I am still hoping to do the Lake Sara Dam Run - which is an 8 miler on April 6th.  I'd like to do a race on 3/23 as well, if for nothing else it is my birthday and it would be cool to have a race shirt with my birthday on it.  If you know of a good race on the 23rd, shoot me a note.  I don't want to do a trail race at this time - leastwise, not the "toughest 10K on the planet", which is how the Mountain Goat describes their race, I believe.

Well, it is time for me to fly - run happy and safe my friends.