Greetings and salutations!
Ok, here's the deal. I've been shelved for a bit. Readers of this blog (and those that know me closely) know that I sprained my ankle on December 13th. Well, I've always been a bit stubborn when it comes to that sort of thing and didn't go to the doctor and didn't give it the rest it needed. I continued to play basketball, occasionally run, do the elliptical and XBox Kinect. When the swelling had not gone down to my satisfaction after 6 weeks, I went to the doctor who has now told me no running until I am 2 weeks post no swelling. Now I really don't have much, but I figure I best lay off for at least this week. I had been having trouble going down stairs, and I don't need this problem to get worse. The part that upsets me the most is that the Illinois half is less than 90 days away and I don't even have a real base built up at this time. I'm actually sitting here right now with some fairly debilitating back pain. If I sit too long, I have real trouble walking, so I've been trying to get up and be mobile every 5-10 minutes. I think I am going to go track down some Ibuprofen. My self-written training program called for P90X chest and back today and a four mile fartlek tomorrow. I know the run isn't happening, and I'm not so sure about the P90X. Kids broke the handles on my resistance bands. >:( I'll see what the evening brings. I think I should lay off the XBox as it seems to make my ankle tight. It's too cold (for me) to bike, so my options are dwindling.
In other news, I have lost 2.5 pounds during January. This is far behind my goal, but at least it is something. I also seem to have lost an inch off of my waist. I gave blood on Saturday and they measured my resting HR at 52. I was surprised at that number as I had drank 4 cups of coffee and did a low impact workout (elliptical) that morning. I think in the interim, before I can hit the pavement again, I really need to work on portion control. I struggle with that as let's face it, I like to eat.
I am still hoping to do the Lake Sara Dam Run - which is an 8 miler on April 6th. I'd like to do a race on 3/23 as well, if for nothing else it is my birthday and it would be cool to have a race shirt with my birthday on it. If you know of a good race on the 23rd, shoot me a note. I don't want to do a trail race at this time - leastwise, not the "toughest 10K on the planet", which is how the Mountain Goat describes their race, I believe.
Well, it is time for me to fly - run happy and safe my friends.
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