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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Think I'm going to alter my running plan.

So I keep looking at this "break 2:00" plan. Week after week, I have one speed workout, one long run and then two "easy" runs. The easy run and the long run keep having a goal pace of 10:30. How can I get to 9:09 for 13 miles if I keep running at 10:30? Seems like a plan for a 2:25 half marathon to me. So after talking to a running friend - I think I'm going to keep doing what I have been - which is running comfortable - but closer to a 9:30 pace. I'm going to throw in some 9:00 mm as often as I can. I'm going to keep doing the speed work and long run (the lsd will be at a slower pace) and we'll just see how it goes. Having said all of that, here is a breakdown on this morning's run:

I had to drag myself out of bed this a.m. - but since I did not do my prescribed 5 yesterday, I had to do something today. It's still pretty dark at 5:15 a.m. - good think I have a light. I have a bad habit of "being in my head" during my runs. I was all over the place - run 2 miles, no try for 3 - ok 4 - maybe walk some - and so on. I ended up turning around at 1.8 and then threw a "hill repeat" in to get me to 4. In other words, went up the overpass at 2.26, got to the top and back down to learn that was a qtr mile. That mile ended up being my quickest. Sure - 2 downhills - but it was two up hills as well. I am not looking forward to tomorrow's mile repeats. Can I even run an 8:25 mile right now? We'll see.
Today's splits: 9:21, 9:15, 9:04, 10:20 & 50 feet in 9 seconds.

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