I got off work a little early so I hustled home and changed. I probably didn't stretch as much as I should, but I was short on time. I went out intending to do 4 miles and I accomplished that. I decided part way through the run that I was going to start talking walking breaks if i ran my first 2 miles fast enough. During mile 3 I decided my goal for this run was to run the second faster than the first and the fourth faster than the 3rd. I was successful in that adventure. My "run" time was actually 38:13. I usually just stop the watch on the next round minute or whenever I get back to my driveway. My splits were 9:06, 8:55, 10:30, 9:51. My mile 3 and 4 were done in somewhat fartlek style starting with a walking recovery and then running hard (just short of a sprint) from pole to pole. I would then walk about 1/2 of the distance and jog out the rest. I thought I was going to beat Buster this time. I was wrong. He came out of nowhere during mile 4. Oh - yes, the route I used was the overpass/icy route. Had to go that way to avoid other dogs. It actually was not that icy. More puddles than anything, and of course with the temperature dropping, it could get slick quick.
Snow coming Thursday night? Could make for an interesting Christmas eve run. My goal for December is 50 miles. It is not out of reach at this point, but I am not making it any easier on myself. Maybe I can make this week a 20 mile total? I am at 13 or so now. (before this run)
There is this race called the "Siberian" that has my interest. I don't know much about it other than it is 7.55 or 7.45 miles of trail running. I can run/walk all day for the most part - not fast, but I can do it. I am concerned about excessive hills though. That could be a deal breaker.
I've been thinking about my races for 2011 as well. I am interested in the I-Challenge on 4/29 and 30 (5K and Half Marathon), SBLHC Races for all Paces (probably 5/6), Bagelfest 10K, Howl at the Moon Ultra, and maybe the Last Tri at the Y in early October. I will need to find time to swim though. It all depends on finances. These races get expensive. I wish I could find a sponsor - but who wants to sponsor a solid MOPPER?
Thank you for reading, and if I don't post again, have a very Merry Christmas!
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