I tried to rediscover the long run with this effort this morning. There really needs to be a button for the between good and alright. I "ran" 3 straight, and then a little more, and then began my walking routine. I did the next 3.5 miles mixing up jogging, striding, sprinting, and well, walking. I did ok, I think, especially considering there was about a 15-20 mph wind going on that was mostly a headwind or crosswind. It actually did blow me across the road a little bit a few times. I do like this route and will probably use it some more. It is quite hilly and should help me improve my strength.
My splits were:
9:54; 9:56; 9:22; 11:33; 12:52; 12:26; 12:02; 5:59 (half mile)
That mile 5 is where I really hit a headwind, and actually again for about half of mile 7 and the first .1 or so of the last half.
Burned over 1000 calories, so that's pretty cool.
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Saturday, October 30, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Finally! A run!

When I strapped on my shoes, my original intention was a 4 mile run. A couple of delays, including my daughter telling me she wanted to go along and we had a change of plans.
Even though it was about 60, I felt cold - especially in my hands. There was a strong wind - but I am not smart enough to know to what effect it had on my performance. I just knew I needed to get moving. Some athletes have "rest days". I apparently had a "rest week".
I ended up running 2 miles relatively hard, which meant I had nothing in the tank for the 3rd mile. Lack of training is really showing. Splits were 8:32 and 8:37. In the 3rd mile, I walked and then I ran hard. I don't know if you call them sprints, strides, or fartleks. The more I read, the less I seem to know the answer to that question. I primarily went from pole to pole as my sprint distance, except near the end when I cut the walking. Buster went with me again, and since it was as dark as it was, I don't know when or where he cut the course, but he blazed past me in the last 100 yards to kick my tail. My lungs seemed scorched afterwards for a couple of hours. I had no hip or other pain, but my legs felt heavy at the end of mile 2.
After the drive to work this morning, my hip was stiff and sore. It seems to have worked itself out now though.
I hope to run 4 tonight. Always hinges on supper, the kids, and just how darn tired I am.
Oh, I threw the picture in as an experiment. I haven't added pictures before, but would like to do more of that.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tales of bicycle rides, moonlight, and wildlife.
By the light of the silvery moon...I had a good ride before supper. It was a bit chilly, and I have no explanation for not going faster. I can say, and I will freely admit, that this time, I did not say "oh golly". No, what I said sounded closer to "Oh Schick" (as in Judge Schick") Yep, I'm going just as fast as my little legs will carry me after riding for 7 miles and a full day of work. I've got my head light on (of course) and had just rounded a curve. I looked down, as I often do, at my gears, and the road, and about 2 inches to the left of my left foot I see....
a coon running his ass off parallelling me.
"oh Schick!"
Had he (or she) been 2 inches (or me I guess) closer, my pedal would have knocked him in the head, and I'm sure that wouldn't have been good. He was running pretty fast and it was just "luck" that I ever saw it. I had visions after that of him reaching up and clawing me, getting a toenail stuck in my shoe and him going clump clump clump down the road as I would have tried to shake him off. Not a real pleasant thought.
So...last a skunk somewhere and tonight a coon. Who wants to run or ride with me in the country and get your heart rate pumping?
a coon running his ass off parallelling me.
"oh Schick!"
Had he (or she) been 2 inches (or me I guess) closer, my pedal would have knocked him in the head, and I'm sure that wouldn't have been good. He was running pretty fast and it was just "luck" that I ever saw it. I had visions after that of him reaching up and clawing me, getting a toenail stuck in my shoe and him going clump clump clump down the road as I would have tried to shake him off. Not a real pleasant thought.
So...last a skunk somewhere and tonight a coon. Who wants to run or ride with me in the country and get your heart rate pumping?
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
What a great run!
Date: 10/18/10
Time: 9:00 p.m.
What a great run! It had it all! Cool weather, rain, a philosophical discussion with myself, my dog Buster (who cut the course!!!) and somewhere along the way, a skunk. I am so happy I went out. I put on my HRM and socks and sat around waiting for supper to settle, knowing if I just sat, I'd talk myself out of it. (the run) Let's face it, while putting my socks on, while stretching, pretty much for quite some time, I was questioning my desire to go. Last year sometime, I bought what I thought was cold weather running gear. Long sleeve skin tight tech stuff. It is not warm, at all. Heck, on my body it is see through. Anyway, wore that and was cold for parts of this run. I started out slow - noticed I was going at a 9:22 pace but I didn't care. My goal for this run was to run - no walking - no quitting early or anything like that. Just run.
In the first 500 yards I was seeing what appeared to be itty bitty rain drops. That started the philosophy discussion. Was God testing my reserve? He wants to see if I will HTFU and go on. Wait...he wouldn't say that. Well, He did create that word, didn't He? Doesn't mean He'd use it though...I believe evil exists, and the only reason evil exists is because of an absence of God, because that is why there is darkness, it is the absence of light...and wait...this is getting to heavy for a late night run...back to dodging puddles (and the “rain” quit anyway - for a bit).
I was pretty chilled for the first mile or so, and I finished that mile in 9:19. Not bad. I'm not pushing myself anyway, but lets run this second one faster. Second mile has the overpass in it, so it's a challenge that I'm up for. Climb to the top of the pass - and - wait - what's that smell? Hmph. light skunk scent. Wonder if one got hit on the interstate or what? Thank goodness this is an out and back route and I'll get another chance to smell it! Then it started raining. Not hard, but it was a cold rain. Almost started the discussion again, but I kept going. Hit the 2 mile mark, (haven’t seen Buster in a while…) and decided I wanted to do a little more than 4, so I kept going, found a decent place to turn around ( a t-road) and went back. After a short quarter - found Buster staring at me – eyes glowing in my headlight. I wondered how far behind me he was. Oh - the mile 2 split was 9:08. Goal accomplished.
Maybe I can make mile 3 even faster. Mile 3 will include the same pass. (The rain had long stopped. Only lasted a couple minutes) Back over the pass, and only a very brief whiff of the skunk. Mile 3 hit on the downside of the pass - and it was 9:11. Close, oh well, but I am not stopping or slowing down now! At about mile 3.3 - 3.4 - there's that smell again - Oh Lord, don't tell me I got hit by it. I looked at my watch - noticed that I might be able to "save" this run- make it an ave. 9 mm pace - so I hit the gas. Wouldn't you know it -I did it! The last mile split was 8:11. Now, I know my first 3 miles were not incredibly fast - but I was pretty happy to have cut 1 minute off of my last split.
When I got home, did a small stretch - and I'll be - there was the smell again. It must have been in the grass. I hope. Went inside, my wife confirmed I did not smell of skunk. After she bent down to get some Tupperware out of the cabinet, she noticed there was a slight odor where I had been standing. She later went outside and commented that the little dog (who stayed home) smelled faintly of skunk. Who knows. I’m just happy over the run – and really happy I didn’t have to bathe in tomato juice.
Time: 9:00 p.m.
What a great run! It had it all! Cool weather, rain, a philosophical discussion with myself, my dog Buster (who cut the course!!!) and somewhere along the way, a skunk. I am so happy I went out. I put on my HRM and socks and sat around waiting for supper to settle, knowing if I just sat, I'd talk myself out of it. (the run) Let's face it, while putting my socks on, while stretching, pretty much for quite some time, I was questioning my desire to go. Last year sometime, I bought what I thought was cold weather running gear. Long sleeve skin tight tech stuff. It is not warm, at all. Heck, on my body it is see through. Anyway, wore that and was cold for parts of this run. I started out slow - noticed I was going at a 9:22 pace but I didn't care. My goal for this run was to run - no walking - no quitting early or anything like that. Just run.
In the first 500 yards I was seeing what appeared to be itty bitty rain drops. That started the philosophy discussion. Was God testing my reserve? He wants to see if I will HTFU and go on. Wait...he wouldn't say that. Well, He did create that word, didn't He? Doesn't mean He'd use it though...I believe evil exists, and the only reason evil exists is because of an absence of God, because that is why there is darkness, it is the absence of light...and wait...this is getting to heavy for a late night run...back to dodging puddles (and the “rain” quit anyway - for a bit).
I was pretty chilled for the first mile or so, and I finished that mile in 9:19. Not bad. I'm not pushing myself anyway, but lets run this second one faster. Second mile has the overpass in it, so it's a challenge that I'm up for. Climb to the top of the pass - and - wait - what's that smell? Hmph. light skunk scent. Wonder if one got hit on the interstate or what? Thank goodness this is an out and back route and I'll get another chance to smell it! Then it started raining. Not hard, but it was a cold rain. Almost started the discussion again, but I kept going. Hit the 2 mile mark, (haven’t seen Buster in a while…) and decided I wanted to do a little more than 4, so I kept going, found a decent place to turn around ( a t-road) and went back. After a short quarter - found Buster staring at me – eyes glowing in my headlight. I wondered how far behind me he was. Oh - the mile 2 split was 9:08. Goal accomplished.
Maybe I can make mile 3 even faster. Mile 3 will include the same pass. (The rain had long stopped. Only lasted a couple minutes) Back over the pass, and only a very brief whiff of the skunk. Mile 3 hit on the downside of the pass - and it was 9:11. Close, oh well, but I am not stopping or slowing down now! At about mile 3.3 - 3.4 - there's that smell again - Oh Lord, don't tell me I got hit by it. I looked at my watch - noticed that I might be able to "save" this run- make it an ave. 9 mm pace - so I hit the gas. Wouldn't you know it -I did it! The last mile split was 8:11. Now, I know my first 3 miles were not incredibly fast - but I was pretty happy to have cut 1 minute off of my last split.
When I got home, did a small stretch - and I'll be - there was the smell again. It must have been in the grass. I hope. Went inside, my wife confirmed I did not smell of skunk. After she bent down to get some Tupperware out of the cabinet, she noticed there was a slight odor where I had been standing. She later went outside and commented that the little dog (who stayed home) smelled faintly of skunk. Who knows. I’m just happy over the run – and really happy I didn’t have to bathe in tomato juice.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Dickens Free
I am now dickens free. Holy Moly. I am glad I got myself out of bed and went for the ride. It's 5:30 a.m., in the country, it was dark, I was wearing glasses (and my headlight) Cruising along at about 15-18 mph, in the zone and listening to tunes on my radio when all of a sudden a male voice calls out from the darkness "Good morning". I replied a quick "Good Morning" back and couldn't stop the "oh golly" that came out of my mouth. All I saw was a figure in a robe walking the opposite direction at that point. Of course, his "good morning" also woke his dog up who immediately began barking. Fortunately he (the dog) was inside the house. I can probably pinpoint the exact moment it happened due to the spike in my heart rate. I wonder if I get out tomorrow at the same time and do the same route if I will see him again? I am a little disappointed in the 521 calorie burn, but - that really is about right for the workout. I just need to run tonight to make it a 1000 calorie day!
Have a blessed day everyone!
Have a blessed day everyone!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Why am I having so much trouble running 3 miles these days?
Well, it wasn't 10 miles. Life just didn't pan out right for me to get that done yesterday. It's not like anybody was going to have a parade for me or anything anyway. :_) I was able to run a negative split - but not as negative as I thought and I still can't figure that out. A year ago I could run a sub 25 minute 5K pretty consistently.
I started out and my left hip was hurting and tight. I don't know what is going on there. By the time I hit the half-mile mark I wasn't noticing it anymore. I had been at a 9:30 or so pace before that and still somehow hit a first mile split of 8:27. Not at all sure how I did that. Maybe it was the downhill I have in that second half-mile stretch on my course. I thought I was busting tail but, like I said, the watch said I was at a 9:30 course. I am so bad at judging my pace as the 8:10 pace I ran in the second mile felt like the same speed as the 9:30 pace I ran earlier. I was pretty well winded when it was all done. I wish I was in good enough shape that I could do one more mile at that same pace or faster. Just have to keep turning them over. Hopefully things will improve soon. I stepped on the scale this morning and I got pretty darn depressed. Maybe its just a heavy day. We'll see.
I started out and my left hip was hurting and tight. I don't know what is going on there. By the time I hit the half-mile mark I wasn't noticing it anymore. I had been at a 9:30 or so pace before that and still somehow hit a first mile split of 8:27. Not at all sure how I did that. Maybe it was the downhill I have in that second half-mile stretch on my course. I thought I was busting tail but, like I said, the watch said I was at a 9:30 course. I am so bad at judging my pace as the 8:10 pace I ran in the second mile felt like the same speed as the 9:30 pace I ran earlier. I was pretty well winded when it was all done. I wish I was in good enough shape that I could do one more mile at that same pace or faster. Just have to keep turning them over. Hopefully things will improve soon. I stepped on the scale this morning and I got pretty darn depressed. Maybe its just a heavy day. We'll see.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Saturday fun
So yesterday I had thoughts of running four or five miles. I ended up going a little shorter than originally planned. I went just over 3. You see, at mile 1 I looked behind me and Buster (my aging pound puppy) was slowly following. He used to sprint and bound ahead of me. He is 11 or so years old now and I noticed the slowdown about April/May of this year. Even last winter he was ahead of me. I ended up doing a warm up mile, then a normal exertion mile. On the 3rd mile I did some interval type speed work at 90 seconds. Overall fairly happy with the run. After the run I wanted a little more exercise and had a bit of time before getting the kids from the birthday party so I did a quick bike ride. (2 miles) In the evening we lit a fire to roast hotdogs and make smores. I couldn't find enough good wood around here so I bought some. Holy cow, never again will I do that.
It is now noon and Beth hasn't gotten back home yet. I don't know if I will get a run in today or not. I was hoping to do my own mini duathlon for "10/10". If I was in better shape I'd run 10 miles - but I don't have that kind of time! I am hoping to run 2, bike 10 and then run 2. My nutrition hasn't been the best of late so I need to work harder if I am going to get to 190 by Christmas.
It is now noon and Beth hasn't gotten back home yet. I don't know if I will get a run in today or not. I was hoping to do my own mini duathlon for "10/10". If I was in better shape I'd run 10 miles - but I don't have that kind of time! I am hoping to run 2, bike 10 and then run 2. My nutrition hasn't been the best of late so I need to work harder if I am going to get to 190 by Christmas.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
What's your workout today?
I may have found my mojo back. I sure hope so. I decided to go for a bike ride this a.m. This is what I posted on daily mile.
Nice brisk morning. I wish the sun would have been peaking up a little bit anyway. It's hard to go fast in the dark on country roads. They have put down gravel in a few places and it just turns into a white-out with my headlight. Got "nervous" once. just a short ride this morning since I did a run a little over 12 hours ago.
Did notice something funny right before the ride. Somehow, again, I got my shoes mixed. I have 2 pair of brooks - same style, etc. I have one pair marked with an "n" as that pair is a bit newer. When I picked them up this a.m. I noticed one "n" in each pair. Oh well.
What's your workout today?
Nice brisk morning. I wish the sun would have been peaking up a little bit anyway. It's hard to go fast in the dark on country roads. They have put down gravel in a few places and it just turns into a white-out with my headlight. Got "nervous" once. just a short ride this morning since I did a run a little over 12 hours ago.
Did notice something funny right before the ride. Somehow, again, I got my shoes mixed. I have 2 pair of brooks - same style, etc. I have one pair marked with an "n" as that pair is a bit newer. When I picked them up this a.m. I noticed one "n" in each pair. Oh well.
What's your workout today?
Finally! A run!
Praise Jesus and thank the Lord! I found time, energy and motivation to get out and get a run in before I talked myself out of it. I had some concerns as I have not run much lately, but I went out with a plan, and pretty much stuck with it. The weather was great - almost no wind and the lone combine in the area was almost done and I got away from him in the first half mile and by the time I got back he was gone.
I went out intending to do a warm up mile, then a little faster 2nd mile and a much faster 3rd with hopes of a fourth and possibly a 5th. I was shocked to see my split in mile 2 matched my split in mile one. Only caveat is the overpass that I traversed. (Which was also in mile 4) I was able to shave off 20 seconds in mile 3. At that point I decided to walk some - and made it a recovery mile of sorts. I did some walking, some jogging and some strides to make it in 10:45. I still wasn't home so of course I continued on for the last. 61 and in that distance when I did my striding I went after it a little more aggressively. That distance was paced at 9:41. Mile 1 and 2 were 9:03 and mile 3 was 8:38.
I am now faced with a dilema. There is a 7.55 mile trail race in Decatur on 10/16 - which is a charity race - and there is a 5K just down the road in Sullivan starting at the same time. I won't win either race - and probably wouldn't place in an AG either. The charity race is for families of fallen soldiers - especially childrens educational needs. I think I prefer that one - but it is a trail race, and a distance I have not trained for. Price is comparable enough to be negligible.
I went out intending to do a warm up mile, then a little faster 2nd mile and a much faster 3rd with hopes of a fourth and possibly a 5th. I was shocked to see my split in mile 2 matched my split in mile one. Only caveat is the overpass that I traversed. (Which was also in mile 4) I was able to shave off 20 seconds in mile 3. At that point I decided to walk some - and made it a recovery mile of sorts. I did some walking, some jogging and some strides to make it in 10:45. I still wasn't home so of course I continued on for the last. 61 and in that distance when I did my striding I went after it a little more aggressively. That distance was paced at 9:41. Mile 1 and 2 were 9:03 and mile 3 was 8:38.
I am now faced with a dilema. There is a 7.55 mile trail race in Decatur on 10/16 - which is a charity race - and there is a 5K just down the road in Sullivan starting at the same time. I won't win either race - and probably wouldn't place in an AG either. The charity race is for families of fallen soldiers - especially childrens educational needs. I think I prefer that one - but it is a trail race, and a distance I have not trained for. Price is comparable enough to be negligible.
Monday, October 4, 2010
It still counts as a workout, right?
This morning my 6 year said she wanted to go for a run with me tonight and I agreed. I left work only a half hour late and got home minutes after the rest of the crew. However, through the course of the day she decided she wanted to ride her bike. I agreed to that as I knew she did not ride very fast. We went for 1 mile - which is a. 5 out and back course. It took a little less than 12 minutes. I did wear my hrm (yeah, I'm a freak about such things) and did burn 145 calories. I still think I need to get up early and run 4. My total distance for the year is 664 so I know I am not doing 2....
We'll, if I am going to get up early enough to do 4 I should go to bed now. Night all!
We'll, if I am going to get up early enough to do 4 I should go to bed now. Night all!
Sunday, October 3
It was a great morning for a run. Did a one mile warm up, then 1 mile of speed work, then 1 mile of recovery. Would have been faster except Buster (my dog) decided to have a chat with the neighbor's dog. All was well, but I couldn't just let him stand there and circle. He most certainly would have lost. At least I burned 452 calories!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
October 2
I decided against the St Johns 5 K this am. I thought I would just save the $20 and run and bike here at home. Its a busy Saturday as usual around here and the internet isn't working again. How am I able to post this? I'm typing it out on the phone, which is the pits.
Beth is off to go show the house - hopefully we can get someone in it soon. I will be helping Mike later today. I hope I can be useful as I will be late. Going to set trusses sheathing and black paper. Not sure when I'll get the run in. After noon sometime I guess.
And now since its raining the roofing party is delayed a couple hours. Brother-in-law just stopped in for a visit. He mentioned it is going to be really windy. I don't like the sound of that.
Beth is off to go show the house - hopefully we can get someone in it soon. I will be helping Mike later today. I hope I can be useful as I will be late. Going to set trusses sheathing and black paper. Not sure when I'll get the run in. After noon sometime I guess.
And now since its raining the roofing party is delayed a couple hours. Brother-in-law just stopped in for a visit. He mentioned it is going to be really windy. I don't like the sound of that.
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