Wanted to do a 12 K today but ran short on time so I ended up doing a touch over 6. My plan called for an 8 mile run, but again, short on time. Instead of making this a LSD, it turned into an "easy" 3 and then a quick(er) mile and about 2 miles of fartleks. It was cold with some "invisible" snow. I couldn't see it, but I could sure feel it. I had hoped for a 1000 calorie burn, but I'll take the 930 for a Saturday run.
Splits: 9:47, 952, 9:07, 10:04, 11:43, 10:14 and 1:05 to close it out for a total of 6.09 miles.
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Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
4 mile easy "run"
My training program says I was to do this at a 10:30 pace. Well, this was 9:34. I think the only way I can run 10:30 is if I walk (which I did here). I'm not speedy - but - running at that pace is harder than running for me. When my lungs get in shape, and I get stronger - I think my regular pace - at least for a 5K will be 8:00 or better. At least that is my hope. I want to run a sub 24:00 5K before this year is over.
My splits: 9:39, 9:29, 9:43, 9:30 and 1:22 in the last .15 (an 8:57 pace).
Calorie burn was 650.
Tomorrow's schedule is 8 miles easy. I hope I an maintain that same 9:34 pace. Stay tuned.
My splits: 9:39, 9:29, 9:43, 9:30 and 1:22 in the last .15 (an 8:57 pace).
Calorie burn was 650.
Tomorrow's schedule is 8 miles easy. I hope I an maintain that same 9:34 pace. Stay tuned.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Today's tempo run.
I apparently am not ready for tempo runs at the prescribed pace. At least I wasn't today. Wind was stronger and colder than what was predicted, but really, that is no excuse for the poor performance. I was to do 1 warm up mile and 1 cool down mile. The 3 inbetween were to have an 8:54 pace. My splits were: 9:20, 8:59, 11:23, 9:41, 11:30. Obviously, I walked during the last 3 miles. At least I got mile one close to on pace. Next week's tempo will be better. I hope. I am a little disappointed in the 754 calorie burn. Hopefully that will improve too.
Today's tempo run.
I apparently am not ready for tempo runs at the prescribed pace. At least I wasn't today. Wind was stronger and colder than what was predicted, but really, that is no excuse for the poor performance. I was to do 1 warm up mile and 1 cool down mile. The 3 inbetween were to have an 8:54 pace. My splits were: 9:20, 8:59, 11:23, 9:41, 11:30. Obviously, I walked during the last 3 miles. At least I got mile one close to on pace. Next week's tempo will be better. I hope. I am a little disappointed in the 754 calorie burn. Hopefully that will improve too.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Getting stronger every day
This was a pretty awesome run. I did get a stabbing kind of pain at the 1.24 mark and it was in my right hip where I've had some issues before. It went away and I kept going. I feel like I am getting stronger in these runs as I actually did the whole run without walking - and really, I wasn't going all that "slow" (I'm slow, don't get me wrong - but this was a decent pace) My brother called me at 1.86 miles in and I had someone to chat with while I ran. Of course, he wasn't nearly as out of breath as I was. We chatted for probably 15-20 minutes. This run is a nice lead to the official half training that starts on Monday. (or tomorrow with a rest day, if you want to count that)
Splits: 10:01, 9:22, 9:42, 9:33, 8:44 and 1:50 in the last qtr. overall pace was 9:26/mile. Calorie burn was most excellent at 825.
The second mile was all tailwind, and the 4th mile was almost all headwind.
After getting back from the run, Jill wanted to go for a bike ride. While not a real work out - we did go 1.86 miles in 20 minutes or so and added another 76 cal. burn to the day. I am real happy with this workout today. Hope to have a good one tomorrow too.
Splits: 10:01, 9:22, 9:42, 9:33, 8:44 and 1:50 in the last qtr. overall pace was 9:26/mile. Calorie burn was most excellent at 825.
The second mile was all tailwind, and the 4th mile was almost all headwind.
After getting back from the run, Jill wanted to go for a bike ride. While not a real work out - we did go 1.86 miles in 20 minutes or so and added another 76 cal. burn to the day. I am real happy with this workout today. Hope to have a good one tomorrow too.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
3.27 in 28:38
This was the best run I have had all year. (Not that there have been that many of them). My legs felt a little heavy at the start of mile 2 but I pushed through. I think this is the first time I've had negative splits for an entire run that was more than 2 miles - without intentionally sandbagging so I could do negatives. Lately my times have been pretty slow - so - having my slow mile be 9:00 was pretty cool. My splits were 9:00, 8:50, 8:32 and then 2:14 in a .27 distance (an 8:13 pace). [so much for a 'cool down']. I don't know if it was the warmer temps, the lack of a strong wind, or something I'm not thinking about - but I hope to do nothing but better as the days tick by. I am also surprised over how easy this run felt overall. The 513 calorie burn wasn't bad either. Nice weather predicted tomorrow, but will I do a run or a bike? Decisions, decisions.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
A much Better Run than yesterday
Ok - so I didn't run yesterday. However, I do feel pretty good about this run. I am glad I got up and got going. I thought I really only had time for about a 20 minute run, so I stuck with a 2 mile or so idea. I know, many people run 3 miles in that time,and some run 4. Heck, Bernard Lagat just set the indoor 2 mile record in 8:07. or was it 8:02? Either way, its faster than I ran one mile today. However, I am happy with my splits at this point in my training (9:24, 8:54) - so yes, a negative split by almost 30 seconds. I like negatives, but I never do them in a race. Good calorie burn to start the day with 349 gone in 20:16. If I only could do that for an hour straight - that would be what, 1050 calories an hour? Next Saturday (26th) I'll do that with my 8 mile run. Anyone want to join me?
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Bike Ride 7.45 miles 35:10 418 cal.
I was a little sluggish at first, but after the first .5 mile or so started feeling pretty good. I made good time in the 3rd and 4th mile, but after that the wind just got me and slowed me down too much. Parts of the road are still snow pack and slush. Makes it tought in spots, and certainly messy.
In about 2 weeks, I will be running this route as half training will officially be underway. I think it (this route) has the right combination of hills and turns to be good training for the Illini Half. I was going to go for a run after this, but I got started too late. Now to clean up and head south.
In about 2 weeks, I will be running this route as half training will officially be underway. I think it (this route) has the right combination of hills and turns to be good training for the Illini Half. I was going to go for a run after this, but I got started too late. Now to clean up and head south.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Hoof Gang Running Club
Had a nice slow run with my Hoof Gang friends. We did 4 miles down Western from Riddle to 19th street. I tried to pace with my friend Laura and we kept pretty close to a 10:15 mm pace. Threw in a sprint or too and raced a train. (don't tell my wife -- I won). 639 calorie burn. Splits of 10:15, 10:25, 10:16, 11:00. Can't wait until the next run - which should be tomorrow. :)
Friday, February 11, 2011
a chilly run
It was a chilly run - but a good one. I thought with it being in the 20's it would be pretty good - but the wind was a killer! (20 mph) My ears and face got pretty cold. The road is still ice and snow covered. It is melting which made it really really slick in parts. My first slip was 200 feet in to the run - it was not my last. I never did fall though. I did a slow warm up mile, tried for a faster 2nd and a fastes 3rd. My cool down mile really lowered my overall pace. I am happy with that 3rd mile - shows me I still had something in the tank - especially since mile 3 has an overpass in it. Total calorie burn of 636 calories is nice, but was hoping for more. Hoof Gang run tomorrow. Hope to do better then.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Speedwork on the treadmill.
I really dislike the treadmill. Maybe it's because the one I use is rather generic. I will freely admit, it actually seemed harder than running on the road, like I was pushing the belt and it was harder than pushing the ground. In any event, the 'mill I use does not calculate distance. I tried to use the cardio app on my droid, but, then again, that is just a guess without a pedometer. I did monitor my heart rate, taking the average for my workout and using a formula I come up with 351 cal. burned. Since I normally burn 150-155 cal per mile, it's a reasonable estimate to say I ran two miles. (cardio trainer said 1.5 miles). I did a 5 minute warm up jog, then speed work. 4 sets fo 30 second sprints with 30 second recovery, followed by 2 45 second sprints and 30 seconds recovery and finally a 1 minute sprint. I think cooled down, but for fun threw in two more 30 second sprints. After that, I did 5 chin ups, 20 mason twists, rest, 25 mason twists and then 5 more chinups, just for some cross training. Of course, I did some foam rolling before the treadmill workout. I plan to run outside tomorrow. The roads should be a little clearer.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Running in the snow is fun! Running on Ice, is not.

After the run to the right...
Before the run below...

2 mph wind? My asterisk! I knew it would be slick with the ice underneath and the snow on top but I didn't know how slick. I wiped out before reaching my driveway, walking through my ice-packed snow covered yard! My wife is/was pretty irked at me for going, but I was determined. I made a mental note last night driving home as to where the ice was gone so I thought I could go a little faster there. Apparently my memory is faulty as I'd say all but .25 mile of what I ran was ice covered. It all had 1.5 inches (at least) of freshly fallen snow on it. I did slip once while running but never hit the ground. I failed at the elusive negative split, but I was able to keep it under 10 mm. I "ran" the first mile, took a little walk break and headed back. I took another, much shorter, walk break after about 1/2 mile. After finishing mile two I just jogged it on in. I did feel a little winded at the start and I'm not happy about that. I definitely need to up my cardio. I will do something tomorrow a.m. before church. We'll see if the roads are any clearer if I'll run outside, treadmill or elliptical. I hope to get to town later and donate some blood, but we'll have to see. My splits for this run were:
9:32 (155 cal)
9:36 (157 cal)
5:26 (73 cal)
Now, to go move some snow around...
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Feb 1 Training Report
I got up this morning knowing I was not going to work and decided to survey the land to see what it looked like as far as ice accumulation. We appear to have about 1/2 inch. I took some pictures, which I will post later. Being February 1, it was time to take some measurements. I'm a little behind on my goals, only losing 3.6 pounds in January. I did lose 1/4 inch off of my neck, 1/2 off of my belly and 3/4 off my waist. This means my BF% is still far too high. I would like to be in the teens and not 20's. That will take a long time. Maybe by November I'll be there. I'm going to have to turn it on to lose 13 pounds in the next 51 days or so.
In that line of thought, I finally did an elliptical workout about 4:20. I did 25 minutes with an avg. heart rate of 148. I was wanting it over 150, but just couldn't get there. It was very strange being on the machine as I haven't been in some time. It took a solid ten minutes to get my rhythm going. According to a formula I found on the internet, this amounts to a 390 calorie burn. I also did some foam rolling and rolled frozen water on the arch of my left foot. Tomorrow, I will more than likely shovel some snow, and I am planning on doing P90X Plyometrics. I like that workout. I have a treadmill, but the distance calculator doesn't work and it doesn't look like I'll be hitting the road any time soon.
Well, the pictures aren't loading. Tomorrow maybe.
In that line of thought, I finally did an elliptical workout about 4:20. I did 25 minutes with an avg. heart rate of 148. I was wanting it over 150, but just couldn't get there. It was very strange being on the machine as I haven't been in some time. It took a solid ten minutes to get my rhythm going. According to a formula I found on the internet, this amounts to a 390 calorie burn. I also did some foam rolling and rolled frozen water on the arch of my left foot. Tomorrow, I will more than likely shovel some snow, and I am planning on doing P90X Plyometrics. I like that workout. I have a treadmill, but the distance calculator doesn't work and it doesn't look like I'll be hitting the road any time soon.
Well, the pictures aren't loading. Tomorrow maybe.
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